More Profit in Treating Chronic than Acute Diseases – Today’s Post on KevinMD.

Suddenly it’s perfectly clear: There is endless profit potential for countless corporations in America’s chronic disease epidemic, and it is in their interest that people with chronic disease stay as sick as possible without dying from their disease. Why risk research money on acute disease when there is no continuing revenue stream to look forward to?

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2 Responses to “More Profit in Treating Chronic than Acute Diseases – Today’s Post on KevinMD.”

  1. 1 rabornmd August 21, 2020 at 8:54 pm

    I am working to get Dr. Dean Ornish MD “Intensive Cardiac Rehab” Program at two hospitals. Medicare covered for several diagnosis and an Out patient 9 week program of group activity 4 hours twice a week. 95% patient completion rate. See his book “Undo It”

  2. 2 samanthaharris September 3, 2020 at 12:44 pm

    You aint kidding. I am mesh injured. Have been for fifteen years. My government apologised to me and this week, believe it or not, the medical profession declared that they have a vaccine for UTI that may work for mesh injured…for years I’ve been asking for this thing out. They are happy to keep me disabled and on pain relief rather than take the stuff out! Just keep experimenting on me it feels like…I won’t go for the trials..I’m fed up of trials. I’m fed up of experimental ideas for old reliable surgeries which worked for centuries. I’m fed up of the move towards automated health care as it’s the cheapest way to deliver it…robots being moved from one area of medicine to another after they mess up…what are humans now but lab rats? I’ve a terrible experience recently with my baby grandson. I’m gearing up the courage to write about it…he survived but it shouldn’t have got to that stage at all.

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Osler said “Listen to your patient, he is telling you the diagnosis”. Duvefelt says “Listen to your patient, he is telling you what kind of doctor he needs you to be”.



CONDITIONS, Chapter 1: An Old, New Diagnosis

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