Calling Mrs Kafka

Substack is a bigger platform that gets me much more exposure than my own little corner of the Internet. I have been re-posting old material there with lots of views. This one is from 2014:

“Prior Authorizations, Mrs. Kafka. May I have your name and the patient’s policy number.”

“My name is Country Doctor, and I don’t have the patient’s number but I have her husband’s – it is 123456789”.

“Thank you, Doctor. This is for Harry Black?”

“Well, no, it’s for his wife, Harriet. We asked for a PA for Lyrica for her, but it was approved for him instead, even though the forms we sent you clearly stated her name.”

“I see that Harry is approved for one year.”

“Yes, but he doesn’t need it. He has no diagnosis and no symptoms. Someone at your end reversed the names, because the application was for Harriet. I have a copy right here in front of me. So can we just get this approval switched over to her name instead?”

“I’m sorry, we can’t.”

1 Response to “Calling Mrs Kafka”

  1. 1 OlRedHair November 17, 2023 at 6:48 pm

    Always love when a doctor spends the majority of a visit I have waited three months for looking at a computer screen and typing, and very little time examining me.

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I just realized none of the posts show on an iPad or a computer, but they do show on an iPhone. WordPress is working on this. In the meantime, please visit my Substack.



Osler said “Listen to your patient, he is telling you the diagnosis”. Duvefelt says “Listen to your patient, he is telling you what kind of doctor he needs you to be”.



CONDITIONS, Chapter 1: An Old, New Diagnosis

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